
Welcome to the Yamabushi Ryu
The way of the mountain warrior!

Do you ever feel that there is something missing in your martial arts training?

Do you ever find yourself wondering if there might be more to it all? Something deeper and more meaningful?

Then the warrior path of the Yamabushi, may be be for you.

Yamabushi Ryu is a traditional school with traditional values. We maintain substantial links with Japan, and our training reflects the teachings and values of the mountain warrior, which encompass many fascinating aspects of the martial arts and philosophies.

The school seeks to emulate the traditional principals of warrior enlightenment. Within the confines of our dojo, the student should find peace, harmony and love, the seeds of which should be planted in their heart and nurtured by their training. As well as martial endeavours, students are taught to strive hard to perfect themselves inwardly through mindfulness and meditation.


Yamabushi Ryu hold regular classes and always welcome new faces regardless of age or ability.  Please come along to one of our classes and find out more about who we are and what we do. The school now also has its own wider family in the shape of the Shugenja Kokusai Bugei Renmei which warmly welcomes associations clubs and instructors from many other styles and in many other countries.

If you would like more information about the warrior path of the Yamabushi, then please contact us at info@yamabushiryu.com to discuss how you can begin your journey with us.

Yamabushi Ryu is accelerated personal development through:

  • Training in traditional warrior arts and philosophies.
  • Refining character and improving performance.
  • Encouraging people to become all they can be.