
Brown belt essay, By Adam Boardman

Introduction to some of the traditional historical, philosophical and technical influences upon our martial arts

Jujitsu – (gentle art/techniques) is a Japanese martial art and a close quarters way of defeating an armed or armoured opponent without using or with short weapons. Jujutsu was developed among the samuraiof feudal Japan as a method of defeating an armed and armoured opponent in which one uses no weapon, or only a short weapon because striking against an armoured opponent proved ineffective. Early practitioners learned that the most effective ways to defeat an enemy were to use pins, joint locks and throws, these techniques were developed using the attackers energy against them.

Jujitsu originated during the Sengoku ( country of war (civil war)) period in 1532 and was founded by Hisamori Takeuchi, Hisamori combined different martial arts being used on the battlefield and combined them for close quarters combat situations or as defence against long weapons such as spears or swords using daggers (Tanto) and other small weapons. In the neighbouring nations of china and Korea where there martial arts focused on striking the Japanese however focused heavily upon throwing and immobilising there opponent as strikes were ineffective to armoured enemy’s on the battlefield.

During the early 17th century strict laws were imposed by the Tokugawa Shogunate to reduce war. During this period weapons and armour became more of a decorative item so hand to hand combat became more popular as a form of self-defence and more techniques were made to the new situation of unarmoured opponents. The strikes were focused on vital body parts such as the eyes, neck, shoulders and the back of the head however during the end of the 17th century/early 18th century striking techniques were reduced as they exerted too much energy and were considered less effective, instead striking became primarily for distraction and a way to unbalance your opponent. During this period of peace time Jujitsu schools would challenge each other to duels this became a popular past time for warriors under the peaceful government from these duels Randori was created to practice without the risk of breaking the law, the various styles of each school evolved from combating each other without the intention of killing others.

Japanese culture and religion have become intertwined into the martial arts. Buddhism, Shinto, Taoism and Confusion philosophy co-exist in Japan.

Jujutsu expresses the philosophy of yielding to an opponent’s force rather than trying to oppose force with force. Manipulating an opponent’s attack using his force and direction allows jujutsuka to control the balance of their opponent and hence prevent the opponent from resisting the counter attack.

There are many types of Sport Jujutsu. One version of Sport jujutsu is known as “JJIF Rules Sport Ju-Jitsu”.

Sport Jujutsu comes in two main variants: Duo (self-defence demonstration) where both the Tori(attacker) and the Uke (defender) come from the same team and demonstrate self defence techniques, and Fighting System (free fighting) where competitors combine striking, grappling and submissions under rules which emphasise safety. Many of the potentially dangerous techniques such as scissor takedowns, neck locks and digital choking and locking are prohibited in Sport Jujutsu.

Many martial arts have been influenced or developed from Jujitsu such as; Aikido, Bartitsu, Hapkido, Judo, Brazilian Jujitsu and some Japanese karate styles.


Yamabushi – (one who lies/hides in the mountains)

The Yamabushi are mountain hermits and monks who have a long tradition of being mighty warriors endowed with supernatural powers. The Yamabushi began as Yamahoshi, isolated clusters of mountain hermits who followed Shugendo a search for spiritual/ supernatural powers through asceticism ( a lifestyle characterised by abstinence from various worldly pleasures) and Tendai a sect of Buddhism. In their mountain retreats the monks studied various martial arts to defend them selves from bandits, other monks and samurai and to improve one selves mentality and spirituality.

The Yamabushi became renewed for their magical ability’s and occult knowledge; they were sought out as healers and mediums, although Shinto (the indigenous spirituality of japan) shrines had reserved this role exclusively for maidens (Miko). As the Yamabushi reputation for mystical insight and knowledge grew the organization grew tighter and many of the masters of ascetic disciplines began being appointed to high spiritual positions in the court hierarchy. During the Sengoku period the Yamabushi could be found in the armies and advisers for nearly every contender for domination over japan.



Shugendo is a highly syncretic buddhic religion/sect that originated In pre feudal japan, in which enlightenment is equated with attaining oneness with the kami. This perception of experimental awakening is obtained through the understanding of the relationship between humanity and nature, centred around ascetic.


Saitō no Musashibō Benkei 1155-1189

Benkei was a warrior monk who served Minamoto no Yoshitsune. He is commonly depicted as a man of great strength and loyalty.

Stories of Benkei’s birth are varied but many give him the attributes of a demon, a monster child with wild hair and long teeth. At an early age he joined the cloister and travelled amongst the monasteries on japan. During this period the Buddhist monasteries of japan were important centres of administration and culture. At the age of 17 he left the Buddhist monasteries and became a Yamabushi. It is said that Benkei posted himself at gojo bridge in Kyoto, where he disarmed every passing swords man but on his 1000th duel he was defeated by Minamoto no Yoshitsune a son of the warlord Minamoto no Yoshitomo. Henceforth he became a retainer of yoshitsune.

During a two-year ordeal after Yoshitsunes older brother turned against him Benkei accompanied Yoshitsune as an outlaw in the end they were both encircled in the castle of Koromogawa no tate. As Yoshitsune retired into the castle to commit Seppuku (ritual suicide), Benkei fought on the bridge in front of the main gate to protect Yoshitsune, it was said that the soldiers were scared to cross the bridge and confront Benkei as all the soldiers that did met a swift death in the end the soldiers found that the arrow riddled body of Benkei was still standing having died in the standing position know as the standing death of Benkei.